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Brand Strategy
Brand Experience


A brand is not a logo. It's not colors or marketing. A brand is the feeling someone has towards you and branding is how you create that feeling.


Customer Experience
Employee Experience

Building a brand is not as complex as you might think! But it is a holistic company-wide effort. 

When it comes to your future brand - it's about finding the optimal way forward considering where your business is today, where you want to go, and the resources you have. 

That said, there are several aspects to consider when building a brand that creates an advantage to win your competition. Or to simply grow to where you aspire to go.


My superpower is to identify what needs to be done - and then put that idea in action. You don't need to know how!

I've listed the key aspects of my approach below to give a glimps into what branding is about. And how you do it successfully. 

It's not about doing everything all at once - it's about finding the most relevant and impactful opportunities. And start there!


Figuring out what this means for you is the topic of our first call!

Notebook sketch on the different stages of startup development.JPG


My mission is to elevate people and businesses

Purpose & mission

Inspiration & joy

Human centricity

I have learned over the last 20 years that true brand magic is created by humans for humans - in the experiences of our daily lives. My mission is to uplift people, bringing them a sense of inspiration and empowerment to create these experiences. It brings me so much joy to witness people discover both their own potential - and a shared purpose and mission of a business. Through strategic insights and empathetic understanding, I help individuals and businesses in building authentic brands and meaningful connections. 

A proven formula for success

Holistic thinking
Business Success Design 

Experience Thinking

Brand Building

The success formula for businesses lies in a strategic focus on building a strong brand that resonates with people and provides a superior experience. This can be achieved by understanding and meeting customer expectations in the way they value most. In addition, only by providing a valued and inspirational employee experience you get an motivated and empowered workforce that is committed to achieving business goals and deliver the brand as it's designed. Together, a strong brand, exceptional customer experience, and engaged employees create a winning combination for sustained business success.


By adding my s-factor consisting of 20+ years of experience, my unique approach, strategic thinking, creativity, and ability to facilitate change, the trajectory is even more impressive and the journey more fun

The success equation.png

X = Experience , B = Brand, C = Customer, E = Employee, S-Factor = My approach and knowledge

BX = Brand Experience

Building shared purpose and direction through the brand

Business Strategy Translation

Internal Engagement

Brand Strategy

When a brand is designed to outmaneuver competition through radical differentiation it is the most valuable asset a business has. A brand like that serves as a true strategic advantage and impacts all aspects of your business. A brand also represents the organization's identity, reputation, and perception in the minds of its customers. A strong brand creates loyalty, trust, and credibility among customers, resulting in higher sales and profits.


To build a strong brand, it's crucial for organizations to have a clear understanding of their strategy, purpose, and mission. This ensures that the brand messaging and actions are aligned with the organization's core values and goals. A well-defined brand strategy also guides individuals in making decisions that consistently reinforce the brand's image and reputation, ultimately leading to long-term success.


Branding 360

Brand Touchpoint Design 

Brand Management 

Brand experience design is the holistic approach of creating and crafting all branded touchpoints that customers interact with. It involves designing every aspect, from visual elements and messaging to customer service and product delivery. By taking a 360-degree look at these touchpoints, brand experience design aims to ensure a cohesive and captivating brand experience that resonates with customers, strengthens loyalty, and creates lasting impressions.


Building value through content that elevates

Content strategy

Brand Communication

Providing high-quality valuable content that empowers and entertains customers is an effective way to create brand awareness and strengthen loyalty. By offering useful information, tips, and insights that align with customers' interests and needs, brands can position themselves as trusted experts in their respective fields. This approach builds credibility, increases engagement, and creates positive associations with the brand. When customers are entertained and empowered by a brand's content, they are more likely to become loyal ambassadors, driving long-term success.

CX = Customer Experience

For a more personal portrait and deeper dive into how I think check out the interview below

Becoming an customer experience driven organisation

Customer Centricity

Organizational Change

CX Framework

Becoming a customer experience-driven organization is a transformative step that strengthens businesses in various ways. By integrating customer-centric thinking into culture, strategy, leadership, and operations, companies can unlock significant advantages. Culturally, it fosters a mindset focused on what customer truly value. Strategically, it aligns business objectives with delivering exceptional experiences internally and externally. Through leadership, it drives a customer-centric vision and inspires employees. Operationally, it ensures seamless processes and personalized interactions.


Ultimately, prioritizing customer experience not only makes decision making and productivity efficient and to the point, but it cultivates loyalty, increases customer lifetime value, enhances brand reputation, and generates a sustainable competitive advantage in today's customer-centric marketplace.


The power of Customer Experience

Customer Experience

Customer Journey

Touchpoint Design

Customer experience refers to the overall perception and interactions customers have with a company throughout their journey. By integrating CX into the business equation, companies benefit from improved customer satisfaction, increased loyalty, and the planned feeling of the brand. A focus on customer experience creates deeper customer connections, strengthens brand reputation, differentiates from competitors, and ultimately drives business growth and profitability.

EX = Employee Experience

Building organisations and culture

Internal communication

Empowering & Educating

Building an organization and culture that fosters brand and customer experience thinking, alongside providing a unique, valued, and inspirational place to work, creates a powerful combination. It attracts and retains top talent, fuels employee motivation and productivity, and enhances collaboration and innovation. This positive work environment also translates into delivering exceptional customer experiences, as engaged and empowered employees become brand advocates and go the extra mile to delight customers.

Employee Branding

Employee Branding


Employer branding is crucial for building a winning brand and empowering an organization's culture. It helps attract not only top talent but those who fit your culture and direction. A strong employer brand also creates a positive reputation and appeals to talented individuals seeking a fulfilling work environment. It also boosts employee engagement and retention, as a well-regarded employer brand creates a sense of pride and loyalty among employees. Ultimately, a strong employer brand contributes to a positive organizational culture, enhancing productivity, innovation, and overall business success.

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